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1. Check out insurance requirements and ensure you have adequate insurance cover for your event.


2. Think about your target audience – a successful event appeals to people from a variety of age groups, backgrounds and

    communities (“All Welcome”).


3. Someone in your group might take responsibility for the PR and inform your local radio station and newspapers of the    

    event. Remember to add contact numbers where you can be reached for comment if they need to ask you anything.


4.  If you are holding an event at a particular time remember that people will arrive early.


5.  Remember that people may not be as familiar as you with the area and a simple map can be very helpful for those planning

    to attend.


6.  Any interpretive material, displays and activities help engage your audience.


7.  Keep track of visitor numbers by giving out entrance tickets.


8.  If asking your visitors for feedback using the enclosed evaluation form– do you have pens and clipboards?

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